(taken by Hank. Kris at Mjuz bar, Taipei, Taiwan)
陳小芳:「嗯… 再見」
氣得走進貴賓室吃了一碗牛肉麵、一盤炒米粉、喝了一杯咖啡,在免稅店買了一條煙,到候機室大了一便,心情才稍微好些。但一想到要從台北坐十二多個小時到洛杉磯,轉機七多個小時,再坐四個小時到薩爾瓦多的聖薩爾瓦多(San Salvador, El Salvador),轉機一小時,再坐四小時到秘魯的利馬(Lima, Peru),總計共約三十個小時,心情更好不起來。
Dearest Hank,
(… 此段開場白省略)
Some grow closer and some grow apart and I can only wish that it wasn’t the latter. This may very be the turning point of our lives. We might be stronger than ever because of this experience but this will always be a void that I won’t ever to able to fill in your life. I am petrified to death that I might lose you to this. I am scared that you’ll realize that you don’t and won’t ever need me to be around you anymore because if you are capable of having such a great time despite of my absence, then, why do you need me around?
When you are home when I get home, you always come to the door to help me with the bags and ask how my day was. You’d find your way around my bags and fatigue to come and give me a hug and then, it all feels worth while doing what I am doing.
When you are not around, I pretend to be busy but at the end of the night, I still feel like I haven’t done anything at all.
I wear your clothes even though they don’t fit me but they remind me that I still have parts of you in my life. The void that you left in this space is almost too loud to bear sometimes but I try to deal with it my own way which is to put you in a jar and place it on the utmost corner of my heart. These are the days when I can’t wait to get back to work and get the week over with so I can go be with you but I know that after this week, there would be nothing to look forward to on the weekends.
The good thing is I am now one day closer to when I will see you again. Right?
I will send my love along with the whispers of the wind, with the raindrops and with the rays of sun that will warm your heart and soul in the faraway land.
So, go find your soul, Hank. Find whatever it is that you are looking for. Whether it’s in me or not, please is honest with your thoughts and don’t forget to write them down. I would like to hear what you have to say and I’m always on your side no matter what. Remember that.
And when you feel like you are slipping away from me, please come home.
I won’t give up on you. I refuse to do so. Until you want me to. Until the moment that you tell me those words that I wish to never hear, I will hold down the fort and be strong for the both of us.
You asked if I would have a problem if you worked in the states or in a foreign country. I said: if you go, I’d tag along. Then, you said: but you can’t stay there. You can only stay if you are… my spouse. I answered: well, what a great reason to get married! Remember this?
I’d like to say this: even if we were not married, I’d find a way to be with you wherever you are. And by the time that your company is ready to send you to a foreign country, I think it would be in a couple of years, I sure hope that our love is mature enough for us to get married without a reason. We should get married when we both feel ready. We should get married because we find it hard not to be with each other. We should get married not because we are getting old or that I want to have a child/children by the age of 32. I only said what I said because I was too timid to admit that for the first time after my failed relationships that I am thinking about doing it. And this time, I felt the need to be good at it. Because this is the real thing. I care a great deal about you. So much more than you would ever know. I only pray to god that you feel the same thing too.
Have a great time and be safe, always.
I love you more than you know.
Your girl,
This is all I need, a girl who is considerate and will always be there for me.