(taken by Kris. 不知道老爸會不會害羞,所以放上一張模糊的近照 - 很近的照片。呵呵!)
To Kris & Hank,
First of all, I want to express my appreciation to the both of you for your stern determinations to quit your jobs as to refresh yourselves through traveling. Everybody has his/her dreams; however, some make them come true and some keep them in their minds only. Personally, I belong to the latter. Among the many dreams I have had, only a few were finally realized. That is the reason why I pay my great respect to the both of you for your tenaciousness.
Last year, I had suffered from gull stones and the operation put me on the hospital bed for eight weeks, it has strengthened my belief that life is changeable and it is necessary for me to make good use of time to do something worthwhile. Without making some of my dreams to come true, I definitely will be regretful when my life comes to an end. Therefore, I have made up my mind to visit India to cultivate my spirit after retiring from teaching. Visiting India has become a mission in my life and I will see to that it happens earlier than later.
On the other hand, has traveling in South America inspired the both of you? It is quite important to learn about other cultures’ customs and traditions. Learning about others helps to respect the world from different schools of thinking and managing lives differently.. Allow me to introduce you a piece of Inca history.
It was the arrogance of the Inca emperor that resulted in the ruin of the empire. In 1532, the Spanish conquerors were granted an audience with the emperor who was accompanied with unarmed escorts in order to boldly show off his braveness. The Spanish conquerors took this opportunity and began to slaughter the emperor’s escorts and capture the emperor to force him to give up his territories.
Lastly, have you upgraded your communication skills? Smooth communication is one of the key ingredients to sustain friendships among you and your friends, and to ensure that it lasts forever. It takes two to tango. When you can perform give-and-take with precise timing, there will be no more quarrels in you life. Quarrels definitely will make life bitter. Try to get rid of them.
You still have few days traveling in South America. Enjoy it and stay safe.